Susan Garrett's


TOP 10 Tips for Agility Speed and Success

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~ Masterclass Video and EBook
~ For All Dogs and handlers of all experience levels
~ maximize your dog's focus, understanding and drive

~ Expert Nuances To Increase Speed
~ Special Opportunities

Dogs That Do Agility

What our Members Say

“I Have All The Training I Need For My Agility Dog”

My life is different now because I have all the training I need for my agility dog right at my fingertips ... I recommend it for anyone whether they are a novice or an experienced handler.

Stefanie Photo

Stefanie T

"My Whole Experience Of Agility Is Completely Different"

I Have More Confidence, More Resources That I Can Draw On, And So Many More Voices Through The Community That I Can Listen To. My Whole Experience Of Agility Is Completely Different. It Is More Fun And So Much Richer.

Melanie Photo

Melanie W

"Ready For National And International Competition"

This program has made me feel ready for national and international competition and my dog knows what he needs to do ... I cannot say anything more than thank you to Susan for all of her great support online. You will not find a better teacher than her.

Dorothe Photo

Dorothé B
Costa Rica