
Transcript of Episode 296: Reactive Dogs! Why Dog Owners Need To Know About Green, Yellow And Red Zones And Social Sensitivity

2025-02-21T16:27:24+00:00February 21st, 2022|

One of the most common questions we get asked about here at DogsThat is that of the response people's dogs have to other dogs, particularly when they meet them on [...]

Transcript of Episode 295: Fear Of Criticism? Why Facing The Camera Is The First Step To Becoming A Better Dog Trainer

2025-01-17T17:49:36+00:00January 17th, 2022|

Have you ever walked away from a training session thinking, “Why can't my dog get this? Like, I've been practicing, and my dog just isn't picking it up.” And it might be super [...]

Transcript of Episode 294: Survey Shows 63% Of Dog Owners Currently Don’t Use This Essential Dog Training Tool

2025-01-08T15:34:11+00:00January 8th, 2022|

Imagine if one of the best dog trainers in the world told you, your dog training could exponentially improve if you just owned this one thing. There's a very good chance if that [...]

Transcript of Episode 293: MRI: A Simple 3 Part Dog Training Formula To Fix Problems Like Counter Surfing, Reactivity And More

2024-12-20T15:35:27+00:00December 20th, 2021|

Imagine having the confidence to tackle any dog training challenge that you come across, to know exactly what to do in the moment and what you should do next. Today, I'm [...]

Transcript of Episode 292: Do 99% Of Dogs Really Have Behavior Problems? Unpacking The Truth Behind Claims And What You Can Do

2024-12-18T15:35:38+00:00December 18th, 2021|

Over the weekend, I saw a social influencer with a post that read, ‘New study shows there may be no such thing as a well-behaved dog. With over 99 percent of US dogs [...]

Transcript of Episode 291: Do Dogs Really Test Us? Fluctuations In Dog Behavior, What It Means And What To Do

2024-12-13T19:33:52+00:00December 13th, 2021|

Do our dogs test us? That was a question I asked on social media based on my last podcast episode where I was talking about dominance theory. I got a lot of different answers [...]

Transcript of Episode 290: The Red Flag Of Dominance Based Training: Why It’s Hurting Your Dog And What To Do Instead

2024-12-06T17:39:46+00:00December 6th, 2021|

Have you heard the expression, when you're a hammer, everything is a nail? What has it got to do with dog training? Because if you're a hammer, you're looking for something [...]

Transcript of Episode 289: Stop Just Watching Dog Training Videos: Mastering Active Learning Instead!

2024-11-15T15:19:01+00:00November 15th, 2021|

Are you the sort of person who likes to watch dog training videos and then learn something and try it on your own dogs? If you're like many people, you might not be [...]

Transcript of Episode 288: Matching Law In Dog Training: How To Get Consistent Behavior Without Corrections

2024-10-23T17:31:53+00:00October 23rd, 2021|

Do you ever wonder why a dog might listen 100 percent perfectly to you at certain times, but other times like completely tunes you out as if he can't hear you at all. You may [...]

Transcript of Episode 287: The Power Of Perception: Reframing Dog Training Setbacks Into Successes

2024-10-16T20:15:11+00:00October 16th, 2021|

I have a couple of questions for you. How do you respond when you're training your puppy or your dog when things don't go well? I mean, when you're really discouraged [...]


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