
Transcript of Episode 196: Why Mastering Reinforcement Is The Linchpin To Reinforcement Based Dog Training

2023-02-22T22:50:38+00:00February 22nd, 2020|

If you follow my podcast, there's a very good chance that you, like me, want to train your dog with reinforcement. It aligns with the kind of person you want to be both for [...]

Transcript of Episode 195: Making Your Mind Your Most Powerful Dog Training Tool

2023-02-15T23:06:48+00:00February 15th, 2020|

Last week I got tagged into a conversation on the Facebook page of a balance trainer, which is not a place I find myself very often, but I thought, “Let's go and approach [...]

Transcript of Episode 193: Do Different Dogs Really Need Different Dog Training Methods?

2023-02-01T21:28:17+00:00February 1st, 2020|

If you've been around dogs for a while or if you're brand new, you may have heard people say, “You know, all dogs can't be trained the same way. That different dogs [...]

Transcript of Episode 192: Barking, Broken Recalls, Wildlife, Dog Trainer Personality And More Questions Answered

2023-01-27T22:10:02+00:00January 27th, 2020|

Today's podcast is brought to you by you. Because earlier this month I put a story on Instagram and Facebook and said, “Hey, do you have questions for me? [...]

Transcript of Episode 191: Get Your Dog To Calm Down With This Common Sense Protocol For Relaxation

2023-01-25T22:24:19+00:00January 25th, 2020|

Imagine if you had a way to trigger your dog to just relax. Can you see that as a benefit for you? Can you see applications for that? You might think, “Well, that would be [...]

Transcript of Episode 190: Using Daily Quickies To Fast Track Your Dog Training And Grow Your Dog’s Skills

2023-01-13T22:34:23+00:00January 13th, 2020|

In August of 2021 I shared a video entitled “Normalizing Imperfection in Dog Training,” where I spoke about the fact that struggling with a dog at some point [...]

Transcript of Episode 189: All The Things That Influence Your Dog’s Behavior And What Behavior Tells You

2023-01-30T19:53:26+00:00January 11th, 2020|

Over the Christmas holidays I was inspired to declutter my office, and in the process, I came across this envelope I haven't seen, I don't know, 30 years. It was an [...]

Transcript of Episode 188: Why You Should Change Your Strategy Rather Than Your Criteria When Dog Training

2023-01-04T22:28:35+00:00January 4th, 2020|

As a professional dog trainer I get to see a lot of people training their dogs. And one common mistake that I see people make is when things don't go well, they change [...]


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