
Transcript of Episode 173: Target Training For Dogs: How, Why, And When To Fade Targets

2022-08-26T21:02:35+00:00August 26th, 2019|

If you've been following my most recent podcast episodes you will know I'm talking about how we train dogs. How I train my own dogs and how I train my students' dogs [...]

Transcript of Episode 172: How To Teach Your Dog Anything With My Training Plan

2022-08-24T21:15:53+00:00August 24th, 2019|

Did you catch podcast episode number 171? The one we just did, super important. There I shared exactly what I want when I'm putting together a training plan for my dog [...]

Transcript of Episode 171: Dog Training With Layered Shaping: Why Classical Conditioning Must Come First

2022-08-19T21:09:23+00:00August 19th, 2019|

In the last podcast episode number 170 where I dug into the five different ways that you could use reinforcement in training, I mentioned that we did something called [...]

Transcript of Episode 169: Dog Training A Stressed, Anxious Or Reactive Dog Part 2

2022-08-10T21:09:55+00:00August 10th, 2019|

If you were to google “help for my anxious stressed or reactive dog”, you're going to get a lot of great suggestions. Things like essential oils you should use, or nutritional supplements [...]

Transcript of Episode 168: Creating Confidence For Anxious, Stressed Or Reactive Dogs Part 1

2022-08-05T20:44:54+00:00August 5th, 2019|

In podcast episode number 167 I talked about how you can set up your training so that you can avoid unnecessary stress or anxiety for your dog. And today I'm following up that [...]

Transcript of Episode 164: The Danger Of Car Travel For Dogs: Evaluating Your Risk

2022-07-11T17:40:09+00:00July 8th, 2019|

Do you consider yourself a risk taker? I'm not like risk aversive, but I'm not like crazy, but I am a quick start. I don't tend to think things through before I jump into it, but there's [...]


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