
Transcript of Episode 158: Stop Your Dog’s Unwanted Behaviors With This Positive Interrupter

2022-06-15T20:43:36+00:00June 15th, 2019|

If you like me, took an obedience class back in the 80s, you would've learned to say things like, “Ah!”, “No!”, “Hey!” to your dog. And wait a minute, you just learned [...]

Transcript of Episode 157: Dog Body Language: Understanding Canine Communication Signals And Emotions

2022-06-10T20:51:28+00:00June 10th, 2019|

If you spend any time on social media chances are you will have seen a video where somebody has a family pet and a young toddler or a baby in very precarious situations [...]

Transcript of Episode 156: Dog Fireworks Anxiety Prevention: How To Keep Your Dog Safe And Calm

2022-06-09T21:08:31+00:00June 8th, 2019|

As dog owners, the most important thing we can do for our dogs is to protect them. Make sure they can go through their life with zero unpleasant events happening to them [...]

Transcript of Episode 155: 10 Ways To Teach A Sit WITHOUT A Food Lure! Unreal Results For Puppies And Dogs Of All Ages

2022-06-03T21:08:02+00:00June 3rd, 2019|

If you've ever been to a dog training class, there's a very good chance somebody has shown you how to take a lure, put it above your puppy or dog's nose and get them into a [...]

Transcript of Episode 154: Car Vacations With Dogs: Tips To Make Holiday Road Trips Safe And Fun For All

2022-06-01T20:50:01+00:00June 1st, 2019|

Vacation time is upon us. What time is that? Well of course any time, right? But here in Canada, we are heading into the summer. And so, some of you may be thinking of taking a [...]

Transcript of Episode 153: Dog Muzzles: Everything You Need To Know And How To Muzzle Train Dogs

2022-05-27T20:53:21+00:00May 27th, 2019|

Since you're listening to this podcast there's a very good chance you are a lot like me and love investing your time in teaching your dog a new training game that's going to deepen [...]

Transcript of Episode 152: Off Leash Listening Skills For Dogs Part 3: Training Steps

2022-05-25T20:53:53+00:00May 25th, 2019|

If you spend any time on YouTube, you may have seen the video of Fenton in Richmond Park. That is where a, it looks like a Labrador Retriever is not listening to his owner call [...]

Transcript of Episode 151: How Location Specific Reinforcement Markers Will Improve Your Dog Training!

2022-05-20T19:48:38+00:00May 20th, 2019|

I remember in the early 1990s when I first learned about clicker training, I was practicing out of sight stays in an obedience hall with other competitors. We were in a closet to [...]

Transcript of Episode 150: Adding Mindset To Your Dog Training Tools: Who Do You Become?

2022-05-18T21:03:45+00:00May 18th, 2019|

Welcome to the 150th episode of Shaped by Dog. 99 weeks, we have been bringing you this podcast and if you're good at math you will know 1.5 and change podcast per week [...]


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