
Transcript of Episode 151: How Location Specific Reinforcement Markers Will Improve Your Dog Training!

2022-05-20T19:48:38+00:00May 20th, 2019|

I remember in the early 1990s when I first learned about clicker training, I was practicing out of sight stays in an obedience hall with other competitors. We were in a closet to [...]

Transcript of Episode 150: Adding Mindset To Your Dog Training Tools: Who Do You Become?

2022-05-18T21:03:45+00:00May 18th, 2019|

Welcome to the 150th episode of Shaped by Dog. 99 weeks, we have been bringing you this podcast and if you're good at math you will know 1.5 and change podcast per week [...]

Transcript of Episode 149: Superstitious Behavior In Dog Training: Beware The Killer Bees!

2022-05-13T22:37:12+00:00May 13th, 2019|

To record my podcast today, I decided to wear my Toronto Raptors, ‘We the North’ sweatshirt. I wore this sweatshirt for the very first time when I flew out to San [...]

Transcript of Episode 148: Your Dog Listening At A Distance Part 2: Critical Timing Of Distractions

2022-05-12T20:41:24+00:00May 12th, 2019|

There are two ways for dog trainers to work distractions with their dogs. Unfortunately, most dog training schools all over the world will only teach you one way [...]

Transcript of Episode 147: Teach Your Dog To Listen Off Leash And Far Away

2022-05-06T20:45:00+00:00May 6th, 2019|

How well does your dog respond to your cues from a distance? Like imagine if you're out walking in the woods and you find you’re on one side of a path and the dogs on the other side [...]

Transcript of Episode 145: 10 Ways To Teach A Dog To Lay Down And How To Shape It Without Luring

2022-03-18T19:09:54+00:00March 18th, 2019|

First of all, why would you even want to teach a dog down? Like, why do you care? The dog can sit. They can stand. They can down. It's just a family pet. Why do I care? [...]

Transcript of Episode 144: Teach Your Dog To Listen No Matter What… Even If You Think They Are Stubborn

2022-03-17T20:32:31+00:00March 17th, 2019|

If you’ve ever said, “Why won’t my dog just listen?” or “He does this at home.” or “He's being stubborn.” or “He's just blowing me off.” well, my friend if you've said [...]


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