Transcript of Episode 59: Why Your Treats Aren’t Working for Your Dog
In the world of dog training, there's a lot of people trying to train their dog focused solely on the use of reinforcement. Yet there's a great disparity on the success [...]
In the world of dog training, there's a lot of people trying to train their dog focused solely on the use of reinforcement. Yet there's a great disparity on the success [...]
It's not uncommon for anyone to get to a place where you know you should be training your dog today, but you just don't feel it. You just can't motivate yourself to [...]
Imagine grooming your dog and you spot what you think is a little clump of dead white fur around her armpit. So, you go to pluck it out and it doesn't come out like [...]
Today could be one of the most important podcasts I've ever done. And it’s has nothing to do with dog training because today I share with you the 12 things that I do [...]
This past weekend I was out walking my dogs. I had the puppy on leash. My adult dogs were kind of milling about when all of a sudden, a bunny, rather large bunny [...]
Because you've tuned into this podcast, there's a very good chance you believe like me that our dogs are doing the best they can with the education we've provided [...]
Think of a time you cued your dog to do something and he did the exact opposite. Like maybe you saw him running out of the kitchen and he's got this plastic cheese [...]
Over the past week, my soon to be six-month-old Border Collie has started attacking some of the other dogs in my household. And when I say attacking, I don't mean [...]
Today as I think back on the last year dealing with this global pandemic, having lived in lockdown, unable to travel, my normal life is I'm heading off on a plane [...]
Can you remember the very first thing you ever trained a dog to do and how you went about doing it? Now that question depends on how long you've been training [...]