
Transcript of Episode 142: Giving And Receiving Constructive Feedback About Your Dog Training

2022-03-04T21:56:57+00:00March 4th, 2019|

The only way we can make the world a better place for all the dogs in it is if we can inspire the people who own those dogs to want to train the dogs. But that's not [...]

Transcript of Episode 141: Average Or Better Dog Training Question: What Did You Just Reward?

2022-02-28T03:18:59+00:00February 28th, 2019|

Imagine if you and your BFF both got litter mates. And you both trained for exactly the same amount of time every week. You used exactly the same training treats [...]

Transcript of Episode 197: Outsmarting Distractions: How To Use Environmental Reinforcement in Dog Training

2023-02-25T04:00:30+00:00February 25th, 2019|

In Las Vegas at the casinos, they have this expression, “The house always wins.” In dog training, there is a similar expression and that is: “The environment always wins.” [...]

Transcript of Episode 140: Stop Your Puppy’s Excited Peeing Or Submissive Urination

2022-02-23T18:18:12+00:00February 23rd, 2019|

Puppies pee for one of three reasons. Occasionally they might have a bladder infection. It's rare, but it does happen. Number two is their bladder is full and they [...]

Transcript of Episode 62: 12 Keys to Helping My Dogs Live a Long and Happy Life

2022-02-22T12:15:38+00:00February 22nd, 2019|

Today could be one of the most important podcasts I've ever done. And it’s has nothing to do with dog training because today I share with you the 12 things that I do [...]


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