Transcript of Episode 85: Understanding Your Dog’s Sit: LWT
Today's podcast was inspired by a student of mine, John who said, “You talk about walking your dog and training them. I would love to know what that looks like.” [...]
Today's podcast was inspired by a student of mine, John who said, “You talk about walking your dog and training them. I would love to know what that looks like.” [...]
Have you ever noticed there seems to be times when your dog just doesn't want to train, or the opposite, that your dog is so distracted by something that you [...]
Hi there, I have a question for you. What is your dog’s current fitness program look like? If you’re like most people you’re going to say, “Oh, it’s kind of non-existent.” [...]
Growing up in a family with six brothers, five of them older, occasionally I would get teased. And when I would go to retaliate, they would stick their big hand on my [...]
Today's podcast is inspired by a listener who left a comment on YouTube. And I love reading your comments so wherever you're listening to this podcast, please go ahead [...]
In my last podcast I talked about the hyper or over aroused or over excited dog and part of the therapy I recommended was something I called Netflix and chill where we [...]
Tug of war or a game of tugging with a dog is one of the most basic games any person can play with a dog. Yet, some authorities will give you a list of reasons why [...]
If you’ve ever tried to deal with your dog when they’re super excited and they just can’t seem to listen to you, and you’ve gotten frustrated by that, then today’s [...]
As somebody who’s been educating dog owners on how to have not only a well-behaved dog but an amazing relationship with that dog, I think it’s really important [...]
If I told you there was one difference between very successful dog trainers and most pet owners, and that one major difference was responsible not only for a better [...]