
Transcript of Episode 93: Fix Dog Training and Behavior Problems Before They Happen

2022-02-08T01:23:54+00:00February 7th, 2019|

You know there’s an old adage in dog training “the absolute best time to fix a behavior or training problem with your dog is before it happens.” And although that [...]

Transcript of Episode 94: How the Best Professional Dog Trainers Use Reinforcement

2024-02-22T15:54:51+00:00February 7th, 2019|

Have you ever watched a really well-trained dog, like a police dog, a high-level world champion agility dog, or a service dog, that seem to be working without getting [...]

Transcript of Episode 95: How Playing with Your Dog Like a Puppy Can Reduce Fear

2022-02-07T03:58:12+00:00February 7th, 2019|

Are you the kind of dog owner who loves to play with your dog or play with your puppy? If not, why not? It’s not only a great way to have fun with your puppy or [...]

Transcript of Episode 96: Why I Don’t Teach “Watch Me”, How to Use a Dog Treat Pouch, and More Questions Answered

2022-02-07T02:02:33+00:00February 6th, 2019|

If you’ve ever wondered why I don’t teach a cue “watch me” or how I end a training session or even how I use a bait poach in training today is your lucky day, because [...]

Transcript of Episode 97: Overwhelm in Dog Training: How to Take Action on Challenges

2022-02-06T22:51:56+00:00February 6th, 2019|

Success in dog training acquires you to take consistent action. But let’s face it, you’re not going to take consistent action if you’re frustrated and overwhelmed and [...]

Transcript of Episode 100: Dog Training: The Most Important Lesson I Can Share

2022-02-06T01:08:50+00:00February 5th, 2019|

After 30 years as a professional dog trainer I've learned a lot of things, but today I'm going to share with you the most important thing that I've learned. And this one [...]

Transcript of Episode 101: Puppy Questions: Spay or Neuter? Humping? Puppy Blues? and Much More

2022-02-05T23:04:20+00:00February 5th, 2019|

If you ever wanted to ask a professional dog trainer questions like “when should I spay my puppy?” and “how much exercise should my puppy get?” and “how do I [...]

Transcript of Episode 102: Transitioning Your Dog Training: From All That Is Wrong To That Which Is Right

2022-02-05T22:11:27+00:00February 5th, 2019|

There’s an old saying, ‘what you learn first, you learn best.’ Now that’s not to say you can’t relearn something to replace what you’ve learned first, just that sometimes [...]


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