
Transcript of Episode 103: Excited Or Suspicious Dog? Dealing With Your Dog’s Emotions

2022-02-05T04:33:00+00:00February 5th, 2019|

I have a question for you. When you feel emotional, are you at your best? I mean, do you make the best decision for yourself or your future? Probably not, right? [...]

Transcript of Episode 106: Consent In Dog Training: The Misuse, Misunderstanding And Misapplication

2022-02-05T00:50:23+00:00February 4th, 2019|

The idea of getting consent to train your dog is really growing in popularity and with really good reason. However, the misunderstanding, misuse, or misapplication [...]

Transcript of Episode 107: Pedicure Please: 3 Steps To Dog Nail Trimming Or Grooming Success At Home!

2023-01-25T08:31:20+00:00February 4th, 2019|

One of the most difficult jobs for most dog owners is trying to cut their dog’s nails. It’s so difficult that a lot of pet owners end up taking their dogs to a Veterinarian [...]

Transcript of Episode 58: How to Create Kid Friendly Dogs and Dog Friendly Kids

2022-02-03T19:04:32+00:00February 3rd, 2019|

Imagine you had a relative that had to move in with you for a length of time and every time he'd see you, he'd like to like sneak up on you and then jump on your back. Or pick [...]

Transcript of Episode 136: Help Your Excited Dog Calm Down And Stop Barking, Lunging, Spinning, Nipping

2022-02-03T17:36:22+00:00February 3rd, 2019|

If you've ever thought to yourself “Man, I can't wait until this dog just calms down and learns to listen to me.” Or you've been embarrassed because of your dog's behavior when [...]


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