
Transcript of Episode 237: A Plan For Your Fearful Dog (Part 2): Susan Garrett’s Strategic Plan For Anxious Dogs

2023-10-06T22:04:30+00:00October 6th, 2020|

In our last Shaped by Dog podcast episode number 236, I gave you all of the reasons why dogs maybe showing signs of fear. And today I'm going to give you the strategic [...]

Transcript of Episode 236: Understanding Dog Fear (Part 1): Genetics, Trauma, And Your Dog’s Well-being

2023-10-04T20:45:02+00:00October 4th, 2020|

Recently I sat down and as I was reading through the list of questions for an ‘ask me anything’ podcast, I realized how many questions that were on the topic of fear [...]

Transcript of Episode 235: AMA With Susan Garrett: Leash Lunging, Dog Anxiety, Agility Angst, Bad Breeders, And More

2023-09-29T21:50:45+00:00September 29th, 2020|

All kinds of amazing questions, dog training questions have come in over the past month. Questions from my daily routine, to feeding raw, to how to pick a breeder [...]

Transcript of Episode 234: How To Stop Puppy Biting: Avoid Mistakes With Susan Garrett’s Backup Plan

2023-09-27T21:57:37+00:00September 27th, 2020|

I believe I have done two or three podcast episodes previously on helping people who have biting puppies. So why do I feel the need to do yet another one? Well, the [...]

Transcript of Episode 232: Canine Predatory Motor Sequence: Understand Your Dog’s Prey Drive To Enrich Your Life Together

2023-12-11T16:31:51+00:00September 11th, 2020|

Why do Beagles, Border Collies, Belgian Malinois’, Boston Terriers (and most breeds) present different dog training challenges? It’s because their Predatory Motor Sequence [...]

Transcript of Episode 231: Empowering The Next Generation Of Dog Lovers: Finya’s School Assignment

2023-09-11T08:45:55+00:00September 11th, 2020|

I love kids, especially those who are keen on training dogs, so when a 10th grader named Finya sent me some wonderful positive reinforcement dog training questions [...]

Transcript of Episode 230: Finding Joy Amidst Frustration And Shame In Dog Training – DeCaff’s Story Part 2

2023-09-11T08:09:38+00:00September 11th, 2020|

In Shaped by Dog podcast episode number 229, I introduced you to a very, very important dog in my life, actually a mighty dog, my now passed Jack Russell Terrier mix DeCaff [...]

Transcript of Episode 229: Transforming An Overwhelmed And Anxious Dog Into A World Champion – DeCaff’s Story Part 1

2023-09-01T13:12:37+00:00August 30th, 2020|

If you could imagine a dog or a puppy who was so overstimulated by things that they could feel, things they could touch, things they could see, things they could hear [...]

Transcript of Episode 228: Navigating Failure In Dog Training: What’s Your Plan B?

2023-08-23T21:37:47+00:00August 23rd, 2020|

Has there ever been a time in your life when things haven't worked out the way you had planned, when in fact they might have gone in the complete opposite direction [...]


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