Agility Nation is our unique dog agility membership site. Every Monday we bring you something new related to the DOG TRAINING of agility! This is a monthly membership subscription to a “dog agility training library” and supportive community of like-minded dog lovers. You select whatever YOU want to learn! Classroom Access: Monthly Subscription The resources in Agility Nation allow you to easily tune up or troubleshoot your agility training skills, and give you access to the most recent training innovations. Click on “Join Agility Nation” to learn more!
"Crate Games" is the cornerstone of Susan Garrett’s unbelievably successful dog training program, and is extensively used and recommended by dog trainers and professional dog care providers around the globe. Crate Games is now online so you can have immediate access to the step-by-step training that is as easy as it is effective.
Sale!Join us for the most comprehensive agility training information available worldwide! Your membership includes six classrooms ~ each delivering their own results. Further amazing bonuses including a full library of coaching videos, evaluators and eBooks plus the special bonus "Training in Small Spaces". The Handling360 Forums and Facebook Group bring you a community of like-minded agility enthusiasts who will lift you up and support you. Learn from one of the most successful dog trainers in the world and her outstanding team of experts. Classroom Access: 1 Year Click on ”Join Handling360” to learn more and see our added BONUSES to support your learning and training.
Join us for 12 foundational dog training games that are fast and fun, create strong foundations no matter what you do with your dog, and are suitable for small spaces! Home School the Dog is designed to build a strong relationship of trust and connection between you and your dog. Whether you’ve just got a new puppy, a rescue or you’ve had your dog for years, we’ve designed a layered dog training program that’s going to exercise your dog’s mind and body all while both of you are learning and enjoying time together. Classroom Access: 4 Months Click on ”Join Home School The Dog” to learn more and see our added BONUSES to support your learning and training.
Join us for the most comprehensive dog training information available worldwide! Your membership includes 40 strategic, effective and fun Recallers games that will give you the dog training skills and knowledge to tackle any dog training challenge. Whether you’ve just got a new puppy, a rescue or you’ve had your dog for years, we’ve designed a layered dog training program that’s going to exercise your dog’s mind and body all while both of you are learning and enjoying time together. Classroom Access: 1 Year Click on ”Join Recallers” to learn more and see our added BONUSES to support your learning and training.
Do you need Ruff Love? Is it difficult to motivate your dog to do what you want him to do, when you want him to do it? Is your dog “too energetic” or “too distracted” to give you his best work? Is your dog happy to run after squirrels in the back yard, but not willing to run on the agility course? Is your dog’s recall effective only if there isn’t something more interesting nearby? Is your dog willing to work only if he sees the bait bag or his favorite toy? Is your dog “into” toys, but won’t play tug with you? Is your dog prone to the “zoomies” during an agility run? If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, your relationship needs strengthening. The Ruff Love program will help you to achieve just that. NOTE: At this time, Books and Success with One Jump DVD are shipped from Canada and all other DVD's are shipped from the USA. If you order a book and a Crate Game DVD or 2x2 Weave Poles DVD, they will arrive separately.
The Dog Writers Association of America has named Shaping Success as Dog Book of the Year for 2005 in the category of Training and Behavior. Written by one of the world’s best dog trainers, Shaping Success gives an excellent explanation of the theory behind animal learning. Buzzy’s story both entertains and demonstrates how to apply some of the most up-to-date dog training methods in the real world. -- Greg Derrett, Twice Great Britain’s Agility Handler of the Year, Silver Medalist, 2004 FCI World Cup of Agility. NOTE: At this time, Books and Success with One Jump DVD are shipped from Canada and all other DVD's are shipped from the USA. If you order a book and a Crate Game DVD or 2x2 Weave Poles DVD, they will arrive separately.
Do you have a dog who loves to run off with things, plays "catch me if you can" with stolen treasures, or just won’t bring things back? The Bring Me! mini-course will help you transform your dog from a dog who plays keep-away , to a dog who will “fetch!” anything, anywhere, anytime. Imagine the possibilities! Click here to open lightbox with HTML content
Your Dog’s Pedicure Please Program will create a positive emotional response for your dog to grooming in general and nail trimming in particular. Rather than focus on “nail cutting”, focus on your dog’s acceptance/love of husbandry. When you do things cooperatively, it builds trust with your dog. Build confidence in your dog so they never feel anxious or fearful. Program Access: 4 Months NOTE: If you are currently a Recallers student, you have Your Dog's Pedicure Please Program in your classroom under Bonuses. Click on ”Join Your Dog's Pedicure Please” and create a love of nail trimming for both you and your dog!
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