
Episode 163: Unsolicited Dog Training Advice: How To Protect Your Confidence And Your Dog

2022-07-07T21:17:05+00:00July 6th, 2022|

If you’ve ever trained your dog in public or put a video on social media, chances are somebody has offered you unsolicited training advice. Likely it’s advice you don’t need [...]

Episode 162: Dogs Swimming: 5 Must Do Steps For Dogs Who Hate Or Love The Water

2022-07-02T02:18:13+00:00July 1st, 2022|

There are two types of dogs when it comes to water and going for a swim. Some dogs LOVE water and swimming, and others don’t want anything to do with it. How we teach swimming [...]

Episode 161: Conditioning In Dog Training: Why A Recall And Positive Interrupter Are Different

2022-07-01T13:10:41+00:00June 29th, 2022|

Understanding the science of dog training is going to help you help your dog with clarity. In Episode 158 of Shaped by Dog, we covered training and using positive interrupters, and a [...]

Episode 158: Stop Your Dog’s Unwanted Behaviors With This Positive Interrupter

2022-06-15T20:44:46+00:00June 15th, 2022|

If you took an obedience class back in the 80s, you could have learned to say things like AH-AH, NO, and HEY to stop your dog from doing something. And if you learned that [...]

Episode 157: Dog Body Language: Understanding Canine Communication Signals And Emotions

2022-06-10T20:52:35+00:00June 10th, 2022|

If you spend time on social media, you will have seen videos where somebody has a family dog and a young toddler or a baby in very precarious situations. It’s unnecessarily [...]

Episode 156: Dog Fireworks Anxiety Prevention: How To Keep Your Dog Safe And Calm

2022-06-09T21:10:59+00:00June 8th, 2022|

The best thing we can do for our dogs is protect them from unpleasant events. Fireworks displays can be beautiful for us but can be traumatic for dogs. It’s not just dogs; [...]

Episode 155: 10 Ways To Teach A Sit WITHOUT A Food Lure! Unreal Results For Puppies And Dogs Of All Ages

2022-06-03T21:10:30+00:00June 3rd, 2022|

There’s a good chance that you’ve seen how to train a sit by luring your puppy or dog with a treat above their nose. I teach a sit 10 different ways, and none involve a lure. [...]

Episode 154: Car Vacations With Dogs: Tips To Make Holiday Road Trips Safe And Fun For All

2022-07-11T09:24:27+00:00June 1st, 2022|

Do you take your dog on vacation or for road trips? It will help make your holiday great if you plan ahead and prepare your dog for car rides, consider safety for your [...]


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