Episode 165: Why Do Dogs Bark In Cars And How To Stop It
Help, how can I stop my dog barking in the car while I’m driving!? That’s one of the most common questions we receive, and it’s a dilemma as you can’t drive and train your [...]
Help, how can I stop my dog barking in the car while I’m driving!? That’s one of the most common questions we receive, and it’s a dilemma as you can’t drive and train your [...]
Do you consider yourself a risk taker? Or maybe you play it safe? What about when it comes to your dog? We all want our dogs to be safe, but there’s one area in a dog’s life [...]
If you’ve ever trained your dog in public or put a video on social media, chances are somebody has offered you unsolicited training advice. Likely it’s advice you don’t need [...]
There are two types of dogs when it comes to water and going for a swim. Some dogs LOVE water and swimming, and others don’t want anything to do with it. How we teach swimming [...]
Understanding the science of dog training is going to help you help your dog with clarity. In Episode 158 of Shaped by Dog, we covered training and using positive interrupters, and a [...]
I have owned nine puppies and had many rescue dogs new to my home, and all have become amazing adult dogs. It might seem I was lucky, but the truth is that I followed a process! [...]
It’s important to realize when a puppy might not be interacting appropriately with another puppy or dog. Some puppies can be bullies, play far too roughly, or be overly exuberant [...]
If you took an obedience class back in the 80s, you could have learned to say things like AH-AH, NO, and HEY to stop your dog from doing something. And if you learned that [...]
If you spend time on social media, you will have seen videos where somebody has a family dog and a young toddler or a baby in very precarious situations. It’s unnecessarily [...]
The best thing we can do for our dogs is protect them from unpleasant events. Fireworks displays can be beautiful for us but can be traumatic for dogs. It’s not just dogs; [...]