When you have a new puppy, safe socializing is important. Something to consider is taking a pup to outdoor cafes or restaurants. When you do it right, there are many benefits. But if done badly, your puppy could end up overwhelmed or having a bad experience and becoming fearful. I’m covering all the steps to grow your puppy’s confidence when dining out at a pet-friendly venue so you can enjoy a coffee or meal with family and friends.

In the episode you'll hear:

  • All the benefits of taking your puppy to an outdoor café, restaurant, or similar.
  • That planning and preparing starts with knowing your puppy.
  • How growing confidence in new environments is crucial.
  • Why to have a backup plan and what that could be.
  • The three games that prepare puppies to relax in new spaces.
  • What to bring (and not bring) to the restaurant.
  • Tips on what to practice at home before going to new locations.
  • How to be intentional about picking the right table in the right location.
  • The training plan I use when I have my puppies out at cafes or restaurants.
  • All the steps to making dining out with you a positive experience for your puppy.

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