Hey everybody! I've been wanting to do a podcast for a long time. There's a lot of planning, and lot of things to learn. But, I woke up one morning and decided that "done is better than perfect", and here we have it, our very first episode of my "Shaped By Dog" podcast.
In the episode you'll hear:
- Why "done is better than perfect" in life and dog training.
- Putting your fear aside.
- Why I called this podcast "Shaped by Dog".
- What the podcast will be about.
- The 4 ways of training dogs.
Well, wow! I am taking care of my daughters dog and she gave me the info to sign on to
see what the training is about. Now I watched Podcast 1 and I am knocked over…honestly it is profound and as you indirectly indicate…applies to all of life. I watched Journey which left me teary. Thank you for the work you do and the gift that you are.
I really enjoyed your first podcast. Looking forward to doing this homeschooling with you. Love your enthusiasm. Just “hope” that I can accomplish it with my 8 week old Aussie.
Hi Susan, I have enjoyed your podcasts so much. I have a 6 month micro mini Goldendoodle and I am committed to creating a safe and healthy environment for her, my husband and myself. I feel I might have an issue tho and wanted to ask your opinion on something. I am doing my best to keep her world positive and understandable but my husband thinks she needs a little discipline and he doesn’t follow my instruction very well. Any suggestions how I can introduce training methods to him? Either way I am still following all your podcast advice. I love that everything is a game.
Sláinte, Carla Holohan
Wow I may be late getting started but so excited. So wish I had of had this program when I had to first commence training through an organisation to have my Assistance Dog Phantom Trained. He is 15 months old.
Love your beliefs, your funny personality and to encourage us for done not perfection. Mmm one perfectionist here but not as bad as I used to be. So excited to get started and thank you and your team for assisting me so much to get started. True champions. X
Perfect thank you very much, we need more person like you
Great podcast full of positive energy. I am 58 and have a new puppy and feeling quite exhausted. I love your message today about Better Done than Perfect. My previous dog was so wonderful and I got into clicker training with her. Somehow, I’m just more tired this time so your message was spot on. Yesterday I signed up for your Homeschool the Dog program to help me focus and give me direction.
This was wonderful!! Thank you!
I found this podcast a breath of fresh air.
What I noticed first is your kindness
Then your wisdom on dealing with life as it happens showing us how it’s done by using dogs.
But what really struck me was the way you build up and strengthen your dog’s is very similar to how God works with us in our lives, with love, kindness and encouragement guiding us ever so loving and caring.
I have always learned from my dogs their unconditional love and no judgments has taught me more about love than human.
Thank you for the reminder that God uses even our dog’s to help us grow.
What a great attitude – looking forward to your approach!
Hi Susan
Love this program and now I see it’s more about me learning than my lovely Rommel doing what I tell him.
Great start. Thanks
I just stumbled here and listened to this first podcast and I want to say thank you. I knew that there must be “Conscious Parenting for dogs” out there somewhere and I think I found it.
Some of the things you said about dogs are similar to what Gentle Parents Unite (Vivek Patel and Sujai Johnston) say about kids. I trust them immensely. It makes me feel like I’ll be able to trust you too.
I am excited to learn from you. Thank you.
Welcome, Shay, we love to have you in our community! ❤️
Love your podcasts,I just wish I had discovered them before I got my puppy, he’s 5 months now and I see all the mistakes I’ve made. Hope it’s not too late to fix. I plan on starting from the beginning of your podcasts and start over with him.
Thank you for the valuable information.
I found your first podcast very educational. You seem to be a super outgoing excited person.
Omg I have discovered this just before we got a puppy…loving listening over and over! Makes so much sense!!!!
I just listened to your first podcast…I love it and think they will be so helpful. I started the connected dog series, but wasn’t able to get all of it as it merged into the Recallers program before I could finish. I have a 14 month old golden doodle (Ollie-Ver). Have never been a dog person, but have fallen in love with him. We have a lot of kinks to work out…but I know we can do it through you guidance. We have just recently fenced in our back yard so he has 1/2 acre to play and I have that same spot to work with him. I already see a little difference. He was running off and it would take hours to get him back as his recall isn’t very good…I know we have a journey ahead of us, but also know he has plenty of great qualities that will help us get to were we need to be. Thank you for your time putting these podcasts together….It will definitely be on my ever day to do list to listen to you! Thank you again.
Thank you very much. I really enjoyed that. You’re four different ways of training and I appreciate all that you do and I have read up on you and I’m anxious to be starting this today. Thank you and I’m onto the number 2 lesson.
We are about to go onto your 200th episode. I was here on day 1 and it has been an amazing, informative fun training ride. Thank you for all you do. 🐾
I love the switch from ‘what did you do?’ to ‘What did I do?’ I can see several times with my dog when I have been cross with him when it was my fault for not helping him to get it right. Thank you
Darn, I wish I had heard this 27 years ago before raising my son. He turned out to be a great kid but I’m sure I did too much scolding and not enough of what you are referring to in this video!
Hello Susan,
I was referred to your training system by a friend today.
I have spent the last four years doing therapy visitations with an amazing Golden Retriever named Sadie. She came into our lives 6 years ago, and at that time she was just a sweet calm 5 year old girl who we got from a family that needed to re home her. About 1.5 years of her being in our lives, it dawned on me on day that this dog had an important purpose on the earth.
I decided, no I knew she was meant to do therapy work. I found an organization called Therapeutic Paws of Canada, and became a team leader in my community. In Aug 2017 she and I passed the evaluation and my life would never be the same from that day forward!
In just two short years before the pandemic and we were shut down from visiting, Sadie allowed me to experience so many wonderful encounters with complete strangers in our community. Not to mention the wonderful people that came into my life who joined our team. Sadly on Dec 22nd I have to say goodbye to my furry angel, as she suddenly and unexpectedly had 5 grand maul seizures in 12 hours. Something very serious was going on with her neurologically. She was 11, and after her 5th seizure at the vet hospital, I could not bare to see her suffer another seizure, and made the gut wrenching decision to let her go.
I always said there would be no way I could ever repay her for what she brought me. But now reflecting I guess the only true way I could honestly repay her was to let her go.
In 2017 the same spring I joined TPOC, we had a new Golden puppy join our lives. Harvey, now nearly 5years old, was a handsome busy little fellow. It had been years since I had a puppy come into our lives. I thought I would be able to commit my time to both Harvey and do TPOC with Sadie. But who was I kidding! As it turned out TPOC gobbled up my time. I worked full time, and my wife and I look after 4 developmentally disabled adults. This did not leave barely any time to do any training with Harvey. Sure I taught him the basics, sit, stay, down etc. I managed to even teach him a short leave it. But Harvey has developed some bad habits that I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR! His worst behaviour is losing his mind upon meeting other dogs. All he wants to do is play. And this is a behaviour he cannot have doing therapy work. This is the biggest behaviour I must work on.
Now that Sadie is gone, I know one day Harvey will be able to do therapy work, and I owe it to him to teach him how to correct some of his undisciplined behaviours. I have no other choice if I want to continue doing this important work in my community. I have failed Harvey, but I intend to rectify this by following your methods.
I have written on my fridge where I can see it daily, that I have failed him so far, and only I can guide him to be a better dog.
Thank you for this, and I have made the promise to Harvey, myself, and my team that Harvey and I will be doing therapy work before this year is over!!!!
We love your podcast and I listen to them while I’m working but Apple doesn’t have your earlier podcast online. Is there anyway way to listen to the earlier podcast? I can’t really run around with YouTube going. Thanks!!
I have just enrolled in Recallers and am loving it. I am going to binge listen to these podcasts over the next 2 weeks (school holidays). This first one resonates in many areas for me. I even videoed my puppy training today for the first time and wonder why I have never done that before. 93 more podcasts to go! (at the moment)
Definitely agreeing with everything you say on this video, specially about that we have lots to learn about ourselves when trying to training a dog. I’m guilty to have started training my 9 weeks old puppy with blaming and fear, and he’s already reacting to it, of course badly. I think he’s showing signs of being afraid of me. And I am really overwhelmed and frustrated, feeling that I’m failing by the minute, doubting whether I’m cut to be a dog owner, and already considering rehoming him. I’m afraid I’d be building a violent instead of loving pet. I’m absolutely lost and trying to find time to follow your HSTD course and tips, before I give up of him. And yes, I see how I could see a better person by learning how to cohabiting with my dog.
He’s being with me for almost 2 weeks now and loves his crate. I decided to take the playpen attached to the crate down, since his breeder said that I should keep him more often in the crate. I was letting him free within his playpen during the day, but he was going backwards in potty training, and this got me to react badly towards him.
Just made a first “Treats Diving” test drive session with him, and will post a comment in there.
Great 1st podcast. Thanks Susan, I really enjoyed it.
I found this pod cast so informative. I got my bachelors degree in modified human behavior. Years ago And can truly relate to how everything works with this wonderful program. It’s been many years since the good ol college days and this refresher program seems to be right up my alley. I’m excited to get started on my American Bully dog Lincoln and my Sharpei , Sheba.
The Journey video was exactly what I needed today, as well as the podcast. I have found that whenever we make a decision to learn and grow, challenges keep popping up to test our will and our faith and belief in ourselves. Today was certainly that day. Thank you for these motivational mindset lessons.
I am glad I just stumbled across you and your training method. I think it will make a world of difference with both my rescues. I have a terrier mix which I adopted 2 years ago. She is about3-4 years old and is a nervous and not confident dog. Then I have a 1 year old border collie/heeler mix who jumps a lot, doesn’t respect the gates / barriers in the house and who can get into things if I don’t crate her when I’m out of the house. Lots of other things to work through, so I’m looking forward to learning from you.
I teach gifted students whose parents expect perfection. This expectation creates procrastination because the kids freeze up. I love, “done is better than perfect” and am making this my new teaching model.
Have just found you and absolutely love your philosophy and podcasts. I have a 10 month Airedale that I am having jumping and mouthing issues with. Very frustrated with the trainers in my area I have reached out to for help. I have been told by more than one-‘she is a terrier. This is what they do. ‘ First it was the excuse of puppy teeth, then it was she’s teething wait until they get set. And now here we are at 10 almost 11 months still mouthing-with a full set of Airedale teeth. Not so cool!!! I am looking forward to your Home School that Dog program and can’t wait. She is smart and very eager to please-just not confident when she doesn’t know what to do. Games are a fabulous venue to use for teaching both our dogs and more importantly ourselves, Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Done! 🙂
And, yes – DOG spelled backward is GOD.
This is the first podcast I have seen/heard and my first time training with you Susan. What you say makes sense. Online training/courses are new to me. I’m looking forward to starting Home School your Dog. Your passion and vibrant energy is inspiring.
Thank you for putting into words what many of us cannot! Positive reinforcement training involves positive thoughts and lifestyle. We must forgive, and learn from what we view as our own shortcomings In order to provide a better life and training for our dogs.
Totally makes sense! Done is Better Than Perfect will be my new motto to continue with training.
Thanks just getting starred and this is going to help us both so much.
Thank you for reminding and reinforcing what I know about the science of shaping behavior in our dogs.
I love this attitude. Dogs have needed an advocate for many years
loved this podcast!!
I love this! I struggle with the “done is better than perfect.” I think its because I suffer from imposter syndrome. I didn’t come into my current position as a dog trainer, but am surrounded by amazing dog trainers. Learning to be a better human for my pets as well as becoming a better trainer for those we serve is my goal. I feel like I will never be able to teach and be comfortable in my abilities. Your enthusiasm and knowledge keeps me coming back for more. Thank you!
Loved this Podcast! I’ve listened to ALL your Podcast on my I phone app. Couldn’t find a place to rate or review. Now have downloaded another app from App stores and do see a place to rate them.
Hi Pam what is the app called?
Great 1st podcast! This is only going to get better as Susan shares more!! Wearing my ICPeeps shirt from 2019 this morning before I decided to listen. Thanks for sharing these important ideas and lessons. P.S. The first time I read Susan’s book “Shaping Success” blew my mind making me want to know “More.” Keep listening because I’m sure she will share more and each of us will grow and have more fun with our dogs, too.
Oh, do I have some students who need to hear you discuss the four ways of dog training. Sometimes, I sound like a broken record regarding pushing down on a dog’s rear end to make them sit. Grateful that most of the dog people in my life appreciate science-based training methods & keep trying to do right by their dogs. They’re the ones who keep me going in this profession. Thank you for a fantastic first podcast, Susan!
A Susan, you are really helping me with training my puppy
I loved this podcast and look forward to more – you believe in dogs as EVERYTHING they can be, not just as training for competition but as beloved family pets because their lives are so much more than competition. Thank you for that wonderful nugget. . That is why I love what you do, that a dog is not just something to compete with but a significant part of our lives and an extension of who we are and the better we can be as people the better we are for our dogs. You are an inspiration and I am grateful to be working on your programs and being a part of your community.
I started training dogs through positive reinforcement 8 years before I had children. When the girls were toddlers, my friends asked me how I can be so patient with them? I attributed my skills at managing my own emotions and expectations around their behaviour to my practice as a positive dog trainer, so I absolutely agree that being someone who uses reward-based training alters who you are with humans as well as dogs. Being a positive dog trainer helps to make you a better version of yourself with dogs, your loved ones and yourself.
Very happy to see you are doing podcasts! Listened to your first one whilst preparing all my dogs dinners. Loved it I will be listening to more!
I really enjoyed your first podcast. Looking forward to doing this homeschooling with you. Love your enthusiasm. Just “hope” that I can accomplish it with my 8 week old Aussie.
I have a rescue terrier mix. When I got her she was just wild. In my classes everyone would say well she’s a terrier. I felt as if she has some sort of cognitive disorder. She’s fast ,fun and she loves people. I told my teachers I was turning her into a border collie. She is no longer a terrier. We have come so far on our journey! I believed in her and can’t believe how smart she is! I know that patience, persistence and practice on my part have helped us become a wonderful team. We are having so much fun.
Love this podcast…
I think that Susan’s ways of training makes me a better person. I know my dogs make me a better person, these lessons make me a better person. I want to learn how to speak dog to help make my dog happier and my relationship with my dog better and more trusting and respectful. Freedom for my dog and me to help each other and to share more happy moments and break throughs! I would love to know what books I should be reading for a better understanding.
Awesome as always Susan😉don’t know how to review, sorry 😏