Things have been a little weird around here because six days ago we welcomed a litter of four puppies. One of these puppies will be my next dog, and it got me thinking about how I identify myself and how that relates to my dogs. And it is the same for you. Your identity matters for you and your dog.
In the episode you'll hear:
- The importance of how you identify yourself.
- Why our dog is always getting trained either through conscious effort or our dog’s
experimentation. - When to transition from a newbie identity, but how being an expert can hurt you.
- Why accolades and accomplishments are events rather than identifiers.
- How I identify myself.
- About going from information gathering to taking action.
- Why I’m excited about my new puppy and for any new mistakes I might make.
- Things your dog does not care about if you get training wrong.
- What creates forward momentum.
I want to be be my dog’s’ leader!
I needed to hear this! Not only with training my pup but in life in general. I have been watching lots of video’s on how to train my pup, even before we got him, and set goals of what I wanted to achieve with my pup. I have trained him and been to puppy preschool, but due to Covid lockdown and him being attacked (excuses, excuses), it set us back and I lost my confidence in what I could achieve. I am now taking action and hopefully this will boost my confidence up to get him to where I hoped he would be. Love your podcasts and your videos.
woo woo! I needed to hear this today. It seems often I am watching the podcast that speaks to me at that moment. This is one of those. I worked as a dog trainer at a pet supply chain (getting my training through them), and volunteered at a prison in a companion dog training program with the inmates both for a year each. Life events pulled me away from both experiences sooner than I had expected. Both very good experiences. I would class my level of dog training as kindergarten and I was doing the very best I could with the experience/knowledge I had. I have regretted not sticking with it, I made other life choices that were necessary at the time. I do not need to beat myself up about them. I am a curious learner and on a path of development, learning and failing and will be able to help little Alfie and any other future dogs that will come into my life. Onward and Upward!
This podcast is SO me! I feel that I need tp research the heck our of everything, and I have difficulty in moving forward. I have also considered myself a ‘novice’, although I have been working with my dog, Amber, for over a year.
I have also presumed that if i am not doing a formal ‘work session’, I have failed. In face, I am working every day with my dogs, though play, routines, etc.
Thank you for pointing this our and helping me move forward.
Similar thought, I’ve noticed when my evenings after work are TOO filled with classes, my dog and I struggle to move forward in our training. My dog and I need time to digest and dig into the details of what we’re learning, and going to a different class every night doesn’t allow for that process to happen.
Loved this podcast! Like an earlier commenter said, good life/career/everything advice in here.
Wish I met you many years ago Susan! You are awesome, you shine, I just love your enthusiasm, encouragement, and support. Kudos to you. **********10-star rating!
Loved this! My 13 ur ok’d son said this about our puppy a few weeks ago … I don’t like dog owner … I’m a dog caretaker.
Caretaker meaning … working together vs making a dog listen. I like it too and gave me more perspective.
We’re taking action daily!
Wow mindblowing! Wrote it down and going to stick it on the fridge
Didn’t think I’d get career advice from a dog training podcast – but thank you! I recently started my dream job, but have been falling back on, “Oh I’m just a newbie” and did not recognize this has been holding me back from engaging and taking action.
I’m ready to face tomorrow with a new, curiousity-driven attitude!
Lightbulb moment after watching this podcast. I was an insatiable information gatherer until I watched this podcast. I went to college and earned a degree in Psy. with a focus on animal behavior and conditioning. I have experience working with marine mammals and primates, yet I am terrified of failing when I work my new dogs. The tape that plays in my head goes, “you trained a Mandrill to hold a target, a sea lion to Salute but you can’t get your own dang dogs to stop barking and reacting to everything!!!!!!” I just erased that tape. New tape says, “let’s play some training games and see what happens and it is okay to course correct.” I just started HSTD/Crate Games on Monday. My training mentor at the zoo used to tell me that training should be fun for you and the animal or what’s the point?! I get that same vibe from you Susan! Signing off to go have some fun and play “search”!
What a great topic you covered – again! I love the variety and yet the continuity in how everything links up in these episodes. There is so much great coaching of two-legged people alongside all the knowledge you share about how you bond and learn with your four-legged people. I have recommended your podcast to everyone I know.
Inspiring as always – one bite at a time. I honestly love watching your podcast with the video feed on this page but have subscribed to the YouTube site also. Thanks for all you do and enjoy those puppies!
You got me, Susan! A true procrastinator. I will do better. Thank you for the look in the mirror!
Enjoying your podcast’s so much Susan , so inspiring and full of motivating and informative advise , l look forward to each new episode . Five stars as always… exiting for you with the news of Momentum’s puppies. 🐶🐕🐕🐕🐕😊