An old adage in dog training is that the best time to fix a problem or behavior challenge is before it happens. And though that may be true, it does not help when you have a problem or training challenge! There’s a systemic approach that I’ve laid out for myself and my students for any challenge we have with our dogs.

In the episode you'll hear:

  • A long list of problems presented by just one dog who was a bit over a year old.
  • How that dog was thrown out of 3 Day Cares and lost his home.
  • Why Dr Google might not be your best source of information for dog training.
  • How everyone has an opinion about dog training.
  • The way I look at dog training challenges and why to take an inventory.
  • About the categories of challenges in dog training.
  • Why we create autonomy for our dogs and how that creates success.
  • How to know if you have a Sun Shower, Hurricane or Iceberg with your dog.
  • The reason to watch for Icebergs.
  • When Hurricanes might need a Veterinary Behaviorist to diffuse.
  • The formula to help you with challenges that starts in Do-Land.
  • Why we need to deal with our dog’s emotion first.
