An old adage in dog training is that the best time to fix a problem or behavior challenge is before it happens. And though that may be true, it does not help when you have a problem or training challenge! There’s a systemic approach that I’ve laid out for myself and my students for any challenge we have with our dogs.
In the episode you'll hear:
- A long list of problems presented by just one dog who was a bit over a year old.
- How that dog was thrown out of 3 Day Cares and lost his home.
- Why Dr Google might not be your best source of information for dog training.
- How everyone has an opinion about dog training.
- The way I look at dog training challenges and why to take an inventory.
- About the categories of challenges in dog training.
- Why we create autonomy for our dogs and how that creates success.
- How to know if you have a Sun Shower, Hurricane or Iceberg with your dog.
- The reason to watch for Icebergs.
- When Hurricanes might need a Veterinary Behaviorist to diffuse.
- The formula to help you with challenges that starts in Do-Land.
- Why we need to deal with our dog’s emotion first.
I love this and I need this immediately! But I don’t see access to the three games you noted. Am I overlooking something?
Hi Evan, here’s where you can start playing ItsYerChoice:
The first time I saw the Treat Diving Game Masterclass, I became addicted to all of your videos, blogs, postcasts, etc. Everything is so true and the techniques demonstrated are really effective. I practiced with my 5 1/2 month old Australian Shepherd who understood the principle of making the right choice. I have a lot more fun playing and working with Luna. I now have fun with my dog. I shared everything I could to my daughter who also has a small dog for learning. You are a very generous person. Thank you for everything. Danielle
It’s interesting that you said hurricanes are often emotion-based (or something was emotion based). I think it may be worth considering that often times, the eye of the hurricane is the human. That was the case with my dog. She and I had many hurricanes during our first year together, and we’ve had a few more during our second year together also, but I now realize they were only hurricanes because all of the emotion came from me. I was the hurricane. When I am in the right head space, I am better equipped to reduce those hurricanes to a mere rainstorm. But when I’m not, the slightest little thing my dog does becomes a cat 5 storm.
I am thanking you in advance for reading this very long information story about Burke. I look forward to hearing from you Susan & info. for teaching & doing what’s very best for Burke & some of the reasons for his actions
Burke is a Rescue Dod ! He is originally from Prince Albert,Saskatchewan , Canada. He was left behind in ac house where the renters moved & left him alone in the home! No one knows for how long this poor guy was alone for. We believe he was left in the bathroom, in the tub with the door closed! The people who found him decided they would keep & take care of him as they had other dogs. After approximately keeping him for 1 yr. They took Burke to the SPCA in Prince George. The reason they were surrending him was he couldn’t get along with their dogs . I myself, think it was because he had grown to be a big fellow! He is supposedly thought to to be a cross with a Golden retriever & a Pyrenean Mountain (sp ?) dog. He had a very thick coat which looked like he had never been brushed etc. I think they had been leaving him outside all yr. From Prince Albert he was shipped to the Edmonton Alberta Humane Society. As Prince Albert’s SPCA is very small & so also has a very low people adopting. Myself & Grandson saw him on TV & immediately wanted to adopt him. I was told he had a bad reputation & shouldn’t be left alone with my Miniature Eskimo! However they were immediate friends. Burke is very protective his new house & yard if anyone is walking in our crescent & also I.
In the alley. He will run up & down the fence line whenever a person, vehicle or specially anyone on a bike goes by. I have a fairly large yard with a 6 foot fence all around the backyard. He will jump up so high that his upper chest & head are even with the top of the fence as they are walking by with a dog! He can sense/smell the dog approximately 1/2 a block & before I can ever see it! Thus he starts barking immediately & the guard hairs coming from the bottom of his neck & down his back to just past his shoulders! It is very obvious that he is angry & ready to go after the dog & especially whomever rides by on a bicycle! He is otherwise a very friendly, loving fellow who loves visitors etc. I tell him it’s okay. He has learned not to jump up or on anyone who comes in the house or yard. He has learned that he has to sit & not bark or push anyone with his very strong muzzle otherwise move etc. Until he settles. He has learned that he will not be touched or talked to until then & is doing what he needs to do. Some of the family, especially my sister were & still are harder to follow the rules & followingthe above requests! Once he knows he won’t be touched or talked too until he’s doing what is expected. This includes my myself even When I come home from being away. Burke is such a big fellow & weights apptoimately 80 pounds. Burke is extremely smart however it took a bit of training before he learned that he is not the the alpha dog in any those situations described. He absolutely loves company & wants to be touched/petted because he simply loves family! As soon as I had adopted Burke I took him on the leash (of course) to meet my oldest daughter, her husband & their 2 older dogs! There was absolutely no aggression etc. Only happiness & friendly actions when he met them ! The next day we went out to my youngest daughters acreage to meet her two boys, Evan the youngest (10) who saw him on the early morning news & immediately wanted me to adopt was with me a few times times to visit Burke! Josh who was 13 &1/2 fell in love right away. They have an older rescue dog which is fairly big as well as he is some kind of a Spaniel x. Again everything went so well when he met Buddy!
So after the above long story about Burke what I really need help with is him not showing aggression to folks with dogs on a walk & things going down the alley. I have been working with him on this behaviour & it is going fairly well as I go to him & let him know everything is fine so their is no need for those actions. Both the Humane Society’s thought he was about 5 yrs. at the time of his surrender however No One knew for sure as their Vets had guessed to be 5. I however thought he was only approximately 2 due his puppy like actions, face , teeth & body structure . I took him to My Vet, of many yrs, checked him over & although I hadn’t said what I thought was his age & after the check over & meet & greet said he thought that he ‘sure” Burke was more around 2 yrs. age & definitely was was not 5 yrs. Burke was so excited when I got him at the Humane Society & purchased and put the collar & halter on him it was unbelievable . He was very cooperative having these put on him & with a lease! However since July of 2016 to about a yr. ago did not want his collar taken off & became anxious. So I would leave off for a extremely short length of time slowly increased the lengths of time. During these times I pet him him & told him again he was going to be ok & that I wasn’t going to leave him. Up until approximately a few years ago when he was tired & wasn’t very close by me ,,, Burke would go to the bathroom & lay in the tub! It broke my heart to see this as that was his place of security & I understood the reason why & again slowly worked with him to realize & feel ok he did not have to be in the tub😢🥺. Burke sticks to me near whenever resting usually on my leather couch with his head on my lap or is curled up beside me with his nose/muzzle buried behind my back or in my knees when my legs are curled up! He sheds a extreme above everyday. And starts shedding his very soft undercoat after just 2 days after a grooming session where he is also blowed out get all the loose fur out! From the moment I adopted Burke & was home he loved & still loves to be brushed. He simply lays in front of my feet & falls asleep. I wish there someway to tell his actual breeds that he is crossed with. If you know how I can find out please let me know as I live in Edmonton AB Canada. I would also really love to know more about his history & what all the poor fellow has been thru! He knows hand commands without me saying a word. If he sneaks out of a down stay I simply say back, or simply point my finger even if he was put in at a down stay in another room & I am in another room.