If you have ever wondered why I don’t teach my dogs to “watch me”, how I end a training session, or my thoughts on treat bags, today is the day. I’m answering some of your popular dog training questions! We’re also looking at how to avoid puppies chewing up their beds and training dogs who don’t like food or toys.
In the episode you'll hear:
- Why I have attention from my dogs without training “watch me” or “look at me”.
- How “watch me” can be misused and why that reinforces what you don’t want.
- When I wear a bait pouch, why I don’t use one too often, and where I keep treats.
- How to avoid a puppy chewing up a bed and the protocol I use with my puppies.
- About reinforcement and training dogs who don’t like food or toys.
- How to build excitement and value for food for dogs.
- How I end a training session with my dogs.
- Why I think of training as relationship building and deepening the bond with my dogs.
- How dog training relates to conversations we have with people.
- Podcast Episode 42: Behavior Chains: Are You Teaching Your Dog to be Bad to be Good?
- Learn the ItsYerChoice Game
- Podcast Episode 89: Why Dogs Should Not Tug: The Truth Revealed
- Podcast Episode 92: Avoid This Big Mistake When Feeding Your Dog
- Podcast Episode 59: Why Your Treats Aren’t Working for Your Dog
- Podcast Episode 90: Premack, Dog Training and Transfer of Value
- The Trainer's Pouch: Silicone Treat Bag
- Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube
About not teaching “watch me” – You mention that you use “target” for competitive dog obedience. Can you elaborate on how you do that please? Watching the video clip, I see your hand across your tummy, where we are supposed to have it. Do you have the dog target that hand while standing? You aren’t luring are you, having a treat in that pocket, correct? Your reasons why not to target, or potential issues that could come up, are brilliant. Thank you!
My dog is very reactive she wants to ride in the car but she barks at cars so it is hard to take her I have tried short trips like to the bank or around the block but have not found a distance I can go if a car passes that she will not bark should I avoid car rides? My car will not hold a crate big enough for her so she is in a dog seat belt any suggestions
I can’t find the “like” button, but I wanted to click on it. I also have a question. Do you have any tips for working with a dog that has lost her hearing in middle age? I started competing in agility with this dog in 2019, and she finished novice titles with normal hearing. 2020 brought the pandemic and we did not compete. Subtle behavioral signs suggested that she was becoming hard of hearing (could not orient to sound while walking with me in the woods), and now she is profoundly deaf. She does obedience well on hand signals alone, but other than my body language, I have not developed specific visual cues for agility. My instructor suggested concentrating on setting a line for her between obstacles. Do you have any other suggestions? Discriminating between the tunnel and A-frame or dog walk (when the tunnel is placed under these obstacles, and the tunnel entrance is right next to the start of the contact obstacle) is difficult for her. It wasn’t a problem when she had her hearing, as my verbal cues are quite distinct.