If you've ever owned or seen a dog who suffers from separation anxiety, you know how heartbreaking that can be. I'm sharing a 10-step protocol that will turn the dog training world on its head because it's like nothing that is out there for separation anxiety help. It's the FRIDA Protocol created by two of my European students, who are amazing dog trainers, Nadine Hehli and Simone Fasel, to help their rescue dog Frida with her extreme separation anxiety. The protocol is now helping many more dogs, and I'm bringing you the steps to overcoming canine separation anxiety for our special 200th episode of Shaped by Dog.
In the episode you'll hear:
- A case study of Nadine and Simone's rescue dog, Frida, who overcame severe separation anxiety.
- Why typical approaches to separation anxiety don't work for extreme cases.
- The 10 steps of the FRIDA Protocol to help dogs with separation anxiety.
- What equipment you'll need to get started, including a snuffle mat and remote feeder.
- The foundations for success with the FRIDA Protocol.
- Why functional relaxation to create calm for dogs is a critical component.
- Reminders about the body language of calm dogs vs. anxious dogs.
- When and how to introduce remote feeders and WiFi cameras to work through separation anxiety.
- How to begin fading in barriers that allow the dog freedom of movement in their "Fortress of Calm".
- When to introduce "Hidden Treasures" for your dog.
- Why remote feeders aren't babysitters.
- When and how to leave your dog home alone for the first time.
- How to create calm relaxation for your dog in other places like the car.
Separation Anxiety Online Program:
Register your interest in having Nadine and Simone’s Online Program for Separation Anxiety in English
- https://dogsthat.com/separation-anxiety/
Dog Gear Mentioned for the FRIDA Protocol:
- FRIDA Protocol for Separation Anxiety Online Program (German)
- YouTube Playlist: Exercising Your Dog's Body and Mind: Tips and Games with Susan Garrett
- Podcast Episode 189: All The Things That Influence Your Dog’s Behavior And What Behavior Tells You
- Podcast Episode 191: Get Your Dog To Calm Down With This Common Sense Protocol For Relaxation
- Podcast Episode 157: Dog Body Language: Understanding Canine Communication Signals And Emotions
- PDF Download: How To Build A DIY Snuffle Mat
- Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube
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Susan only recommends products she uses herself, and all opinions expressed here are her own. The link above is an affiliate link that, at no additional cost to you, we may earn a small commission if you decide to buy from it. Thank you!
Just watched video again. Not sure if the was a response to previous comment on this video. Does this work in one day and is it something we should practice to we have it right. My dog doesn’t destroy things and he likes his treats I leave him, what happens is he eats everything and then he starts to bark(the only thing he does is bark)
Is this done in one day or over a few days? Should we practice daily?
My dog doesn’t destroy things but just barks, ( can’t have this as I live in apt) should this work for him also?
Great sharing.
Training a dog is never easy, so many people will end up giving up because of the difficulty of training and feel troubled. Let me tell you that this is not right, so it is better to please face this issue properly. If you don’t want to spend time and effort on this matter yourself, then you can choose to leave it to a professional to help you. This is my advice.
I wish these techniques would work with this be foster dog. I’ve tried everything except the remote feeder. If I stand up she immediately gets up and starts worrying.. I tried to keep getting up and down and up and down trying to get her to stay in a lay position. Over an hour later she still gets up as soon as I do. She won’t eat treats, she won’t use a snuffle may etc, I am just lost. She freaks out with any confinement unless I’m in the room with her.
Looking forward to learning more !
I am also curious how to adjust this for a crate and also for a dog who is totally fine alone i his crate as long as I am anywhere in the house and then falls apart when we leave the house. Thanks so much for doing this!
Wonderful video!I tried to put it into practice, but it was very difficult to help the dog overcoming long years separation anxiety. Therefore I would favor having a complete coure to learn the real stuff!
So what do you do if you have 2 dogs in the household?
How many minutes should you be feeding your dog on the mat?
what a fab video thanks so much.
Tater Salad always cracks me up! The expression on his face! oh lol – such a character 🤣
This sounds like a great alternative to what I’ve been doing, which is slow desensitization. Currently, he does fabulous by himself in my kitchen. I leave the room. I close the door and he stays in there and even sleeps in my living room at night. I can leave the room for about an hour. However, I can’t leave the house for more than 20 minutes. He starts to get frantic and pace. Otherwise he’s pretty good. This has been a long road and I’m definitely looking for something that can take us to the next level of being able to leave.
My dogs are in crates when I leave the house. How can I adjust this protocol to accommodate crates?
Hi Allyn,
I am not sure if all of this is available in your country. A good starter might be talking to a vet Trainer with nutrions to make some first examinations maybe even blood tests if the dog has everything available.
Another option might be to send a sample of poo to a renown institute for checking the digestive products and microbiom.
Otherwise it is mainly trying out to see whether carbohydrates, fats and proteins are in the right concentrations. And whether there are allergies or other problems with your nutrition. For example nowadays there are studies that show the importance of grains for dogs health.
I hope that helps
Congrats on episode 200! Thanks for building healthy relationships between partners ….human to dog and dog to human.
How does one check if the diet is contributing to the anxiety? Do you experiment on your own or is there a better way?
Just want to thank everybody at Dogs That for the wonderful podcasts. The live celebration was amazing and inspirational. Congratulations!
Where is that vegan chocolate chip recipe? you mentioned on your 200th live episode?
Where do I find the cookie PDF and the snuffle Bag PDF
Hi Kate, they’re in the orange button above that says “Join Our Programs”, or on this link: https://dogsthat.com/celebration-central/
I loved this. So much great information. Thank you. <3
So simple… so clever… so detailed and well thought out! A complex yet easy to follow plan to treat and PREVENT separation anxiety from ever starting.
Awesome as always