It's not uncommon to know you should be training your dog, but you just don't feel like it. You can't motivate yourself. And you might look at your dog and can tell that your motivation carries over. If you have ever found yourself unmotivated and in need of inspiration, you are going to love this episode. It does not matter what you are working on, or what challenge you want to overcome; you can find success leaves clues.

In the episode you'll hear:

  • About checking in with yourself to see how you feel.
  • What Lou Holtz says about the “why” and purpose following passion.
  • About your feelings for your dog and how they can give you focus.
  • The difference being busy and being purposeful.
  • About your dog’s motivation.
  • How to use D.A.S.H. for you and your dog.
  • Reasons cheerleading is not what you want to do.
  • The inadvertent behavior chain that cheering can create.
  • Why short sessions will help low drive dogs and high drive dogs.
  • About using food rewards to help your high drive dog with focus.


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