When is the right time to start agility training with your puppy? That's a popular question I receive, and I'm sure other world champions also get asked! So, to answer, I’m covering everything you need to know about starting agility with a puppy, including the most important factor, and when and how I begin training. Even if you don't do agility, what I'm sharing can apply to a wide range of activities we enjoy with dogs, including being amazing members of our family.
Free Goodies for You and Your Dog:
Get your free Agility Cues eBook for the insider info on the cues I use - https://dogsthat.com/agility-cues/
In this episode you’ll hear:
- When to consider starting agility training with your puppy, beyond growth plates.
- The factors I consider before starting a puppy in agility.
- How to create success, safely and fun for agility puppies.
- About the physical and mental readiness needed for agility obstacles.
- The four R’s - Relationship, Recalls, Retrieve, Reinforcement Zone.
- What’s important about agility handling, verbal cues and discriminations.
- How to use jump grids and fitness exercises to prepare your puppy.
- My personal experiences with my own agility dogs as puppies.
- Why I love forest fitness for a puppy's development.
- How to manage the intensity and frequency of agility training for puppies.
Download Your Free eBook:
- Podcast Episode 186: 2 Types Of Connection With Dogs: Dog Agility And Daily Life Case Studies
- YouTube Video: Understanding Your Dog's Reinforcement Zone (RZ) with Susan Garrett
- YouTube Playlist: Exercising Your Dog's Body and Mind: Tips and Games with Susan Garrett
- Podcast Episode 203: Reactive, Unmotivated and Fearful: Finding Resiliency For This! Beyond Dog Training Part 1
- Podcast Episode 204: Dog Behavior And Diet: Recovery For This! Beyond Dog Training Part 2
- Podcast Episode 206: First Dog Agility Competition: Creating Joy For This! By Maximizing Reinforcement
- Podcast Episode 114: Dog Agility Training: 3 Big Mistakes All Dog Owners Should Avoid
- Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube
Where are the 20 cues Ausan uses for agility. Is it a separate document or in another podcast.
Great podcast by the way!