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Episode 115: Understanding Your Dog’s Language
Dog training is like a conversation between two friends. Have you ever travelled somewhere where you don’t speak the language? It can get problematic. [...]
Episode 114: Dog Agility Training: 3 Big Mistakes All Dog Owners Should Avoid
I got my reputation as a professional dog trainer primarily through excelling in the sport of dog agility. I’ve been teaching and competing in agility [...]
Episode 113: Your Dog’s Verbal Cues And Hand Signals: How To Effectively Train Both
Sit, down and come are three cues many people use to prompt their dogs to do something. But what happens when your dog can’t hear those words? They [...]
Episode 112: Stressed Dog? How Trigger Stacking Might Be Putting Your Dog Over Threshold
Has your dog ever done something suddenly and without warning? A growl, snap, bite, or behaving in a way that is of character? Sudden behavior change [...]
Episode 111: How An Anchor Dog Can Help Overcome Your Dog’s Anxiety Or Reactivity
Have you heard of the term “anchor dog”? It’s a term I coined for a dog who helps other dogs become more confident. In ancient times, the symbol of an [...]
Episode 110: Is Your Over-Aroused Dog Just Over-Faced In Training?
High drive dogs are the most misunderstood group of dogs on the planet. High drive dogs are often intentionally bred for work like protection or herding, [...]
Episode 109: Project Calm Dog: Prevent Over Enthusiastic Greetings
Does your dog greet you, or anyone at your door, over enthusiastically? Does it seem like your dog might have excessive greeting disorder? You might love [...]
Episode 108: Dog Training: When Work Is Play And Play Is Work
Everything I train dogs to do, I do in the form of a game. We have a mantra around here that “work = play and play = work.” You can minimize the time [...]
Episode 107: Pedicure Please: 3 Steps To Dog Nail Trimming Or Grooming Success At Home!
Trying to cut a dog’s nails can be one of the most difficult jobs for many dog owners. When I asked who was interested in the topic of consent in dog [...]
Episode 106: Consent In Dog Training: The Misuse, Misunderstanding And Misapplication
The idea of getting consent to train your dog is growing in popularity for a good reason. It is something I have been doing for many years. But consent [...]
Episode 105: Your Dog Agility And Dog Sports Questions Covered
Answering your dog sport questions! Even if you don’t do dog sports, many of the questions relate to dog training in general. My voice is a bit raspy [...]
Episode 104: Naughty Dog Behaviors And How To Deal With Them
Has your dog ever done something unexpected that is the opposite of what you want? And you just want your dog to stop, but you don’t know what to do [...]
Episode 103: Excited Or Suspicious Dog? Dealing With Your Dog’s Emotions
When you feel emotional, are you at your best? Do you make good decisions? It’s the same for our dogs. We’re talking about the emotions dogs experience and what [...]
Episode 102: Transitioning Your Dog Training: From All That Is Wrong To That Which Is Right
How do you move from punishment based or balanced dog training to being a choice based trainer who uses positive reinforcement? That’s a question one of our YouTube [...]
Episode 101: Puppy Questions: Spay or Neuter? Humping? Puppy Blues? and Much More
If you have ever wanted to ask a professional dog trainer questions about puppy training or living with puppies, then this episode is for you! We’re covering the [...]
Episode 100: Dog Training: The Most Important Lesson I Can Share
After 30 years as a professional dog trainer, I’ve learned a lot of things. The most important thing makes dog training far less frustrating. Setting our dogs up for [...]
Episode 99: When Reinforcement Based Dog Training Doesn’t Work
Reinforcement based dog training almost sounds too good to be true. Being able to have the dog of your dreams without ever physically correcting your dog or yelling [...]
Episode 98: Puppy Home Alone: Are You Creating Chaos or Calm?
It’s completely normal to feel some apprehension about leaving a puppy alone. But there are thingsvthat you do that contribute to the chaos or calm you find when you [...]
Episode 97: Overwhelm in Dog Training: How to Take Action on Challenges
Success in dog training is about taking action. But if you are frustrated or overwhelmed or not sure you are doing the right thing, taking action can be challenging. [...]
Episode 96: Why I Don’t Teach “Watch Me”, How to Use a Dog Treat Pouch, and More Questions Answered
If you have ever wondered why I don’t teach my dogs to “watch me”, how I end a training session, or my thoughts on treat bags, today is the day. I’m answering some [...]