Susan Garrett’s Shaped by Dog Podcast2024-07-24T14:13:17+00:00

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Episode 136: Help Your Excited Dog Calm Down And Stop Barking, Lunging, Spinning, Nipping

By |February 3rd, 2022|

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I can’t wait until this dog calms down!”? Or maybe you are embarrassed by your dog’s behavior when you are walking, or [...]

Episode 134: How To Teach A Dog Stay WITHOUT Luring, Collar Pops Or Using The Word “Stay”

By |January 19th, 2022|

Do you ever wish your dog could really stay when you ask? Like when you're eating dinner, and you ask your dog to go on their mat, or maybe you put them[...]

Episode 130: Conditioned Responses: The Magic Every New Puppy (And Dog) Owner Must Know About

By |January 5th, 2022|

Have you ever had your dog’s bowl, picked up your car keys, or the doorbell rings, and your dog gets super excited? That excitement in your puppy or dog is a [...]

Episode 129: Shaped By Dog Year In Review: Your Most Popular Dog Training Episodes

By |December 22nd, 2021|

As we wind down the year, we’re looking at the most popular Shaped by Dog podcasts over the last 12 months, and they are all about dog training. The episodes on [...]

Episode 126: How Dog Training Goes Better When You Begin With The End In Mind (Backchaining)

By |December 10th, 2021|

I’m often asked how to start a dog training plan, and no matter what the behaviour, my answer is always the same. We need to begin with the end in mind. [...]


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